ISO 25051
Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) is used in more and more areas and its proper functioning is often important for business, security and personal applications. Sometimes referred to as Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS), the Ready to Use (RUSP) software product (RUSP) contains packages sold to the purchaser that had no effect on its properties and other quality characteristics. A software product that a user can use at any time via Cloud Computing can also be considered a RUSP. RUSP vendors need a way to ensure trust in the services provided by their software product to users. The software is usually sold pre-packaged or downloaded through an online store, along with its user documentation.
And it is the possibility that this trust can be transferred to end customers that EZÚ offers you. It shall independently and impartially verify compliance with the guidelines set out in this internationally recognized Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) quality standard. The outputs of the assessment are the Audit Report and the Certificate of Conformity.
The audit criteria are the individual requirements of ISO / IEC 25051. ISO / IEC 25051 specifies Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP) quality requirements and testing instructions; sets quality requirements for RUSP; documentation requirements for RUSP testing, including test plan, test description and test results; and instructions for RUSP conformity testing.

Ing. Lenka Mariánková
Product Manager
Questionnaire (only in Czech) and application for the ISO certification
- A clearly demonstrable way of declaring RUSP quality for end customers.
- Trust, competitive advantage.