ISVS attestation

The attestation of information systems for public administration is governed by the amended Act no.365/2000 Coll., on information systems for public administration and amending some acts, as amended by no. 81/2006 Coll.

With this attestation, ISVS administrators prove that they meet the requirements of valid legislation. This obligation applies to government ministries, state bodies, administrative offices and local government, as well as contractors who provide supplies to or operate information systems for these bodies.

EZÚ is an authorisation centre authorised by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic to carry out both attestations required by valid legislation:

  • Establishment of compliance of the long-term management of public administration information systems with statutory requirements.

We offer the following product services:


Ing. Lenka Mariánková

Ing. Lenka Mariánková

Product Manager

Coordinator and technical specialist

Ing. Roman Csirik

Ing. Roman Csirik

eIDAS Project Coordinator

Technical specialist

Ing. Michal Hager

Ing. Michal Hager

Head of Cyber Security Department

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Why choose EZÚ?

  • Experienced expert auditors
  • Personnel at the very highest level

Reasons to get certification

  • Fulfilment of obligations under legislation for public authorities.