ISO 12207
Software life cycle – This international standard provides a general framework for the software life cycle process with well-defined terminology, to which the software industry may refer. It includes the processes, activities and tasks to be used when searching for a system containing software, a separate software product, a software service, as well as during the delivery, development, operation and maintenance of software products. Software also includes the software part of firmware. This international standard also defines the process that may be used to define, manage and improve software life cycle processes.
Within the ISO 12207 product we offer following services

Ing. Lenka Mariánková
Product Manager
Application for ISO 12207 certification (only in Czech)
Why choose EZÚ
- Expert auditors with many years of experience.
- Comprehensive solutions.
- Highly professional personnel.
Reasons for certification
- Increased security of company assets.
- Greater security and trustworthiness of the company.
- Information security is an integral part of the entire organisation management system.
- The main factors affecting competition, information and information security are under a controlled regime.
- Employees are responsible for securing information belonging to their workplaces and customers.
- The requirement for continuous improvement ensures long-term effective cost management.
- Guaranteed and improved attention to confidentiality, integrity and the availability of information.
- Proven access to information security management in communication with customers, investors, the general public, public and private institutions, and other stakeholders.
- Greater transparency and reduction of the consequences of incidents, detection of risks, non-conformities and incidents with an undesirable impact on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, thus also affecting the operations of the organisation.
- Greater business credibility for investors, banks and insurance companies.
- Savings on fines and other sanctions related to information leakage.
- Profile / Image / Corporate culture of the organisation.
- Employee motivation.
- Timely recognition of incidents.
- More guarantees of compliance with legal and other requirements.
- Competitive advantages.
- Management tool, suitable utilisation of resources, cost savings due to proper management.