The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will already enter into force on 25 May 2018. It is a new legal regulation that dramatically changes the view of data protection-related issues. The Regulation will apply to all countries of the European Union and as such takes priority over the law. An important change compared to the current rules is the introduction of substantially higher sanctions for violations in the amount of up to EUR 20 million.

Within the product we offer following services


Ing. Lenka Mariánková

Ing. Lenka Mariánková

Product Manager

Technical specialists

Ing. Michal Hager

Ing. Michal Hager

Head of Cyber Security Department

Ing. Roman Csirik

Ing. Roman Csirik

eIDAS Project Coordinator

Poptávkový formulář - GDPR - EN

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Why choose EZÚ

  • Experienced expert auditors
  • Highly professional personnel

Reasons for certification

  • Verification of the existing (current) status of data processing in your company.
  • Proposal of measures to ensure compliance with the GDPR.